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// Posted by :OGSN // On :xoves, 14 de novembro de 2013

#manga #anime #ogsn

Hi there! Today we'll talk about the seventh installment in the Sword Art Online book series called Mother's Rosario. This time we have a one book arc(Something that it's not really bad once a while) set in the world of Alfheim Online. Time has passed since the last time we had a look at this world and now it has a lot of new things, being the most important a version of the Aincraft, that giant castle of SAO.
Kirito has a seconday importance and Asuna has the  role of  'main character'  for once XD. Let's fo with the plot!SPOILERS AHEAD

The story begins when Asuna hears of a certain girl who defeated Kirito in the game. 'Who would have though it?', thinks Asuna, who decides to have a look for herself to see if that girl is that strong. Asuna and that girl, who is called Yuuki , fight and Zetten beats Asuna (As expected, if you ask me XD) . After that Zetten takes Asuna to her secret lair in order to meet the other members of her party (or asociation, or group, or guild...something like that). They are all frigging strong, so strong that Asuna can't imagine how can they be so powerful and I saw her point when I was reading it: She spent two whole years 24x7 in an online game training so nobody should have more experience than her. The reason for this huge amount of experience is, and now is when the huge spoiler comes in, that all the member of Yuuki's party have terminal illness. Because of this, they spend almost all of their time in the virtual world; every time they are in the real world they are in pain. They want Asuna to help them to defeat a floor boss because if they are the first to do it their names will be engraved and is like if they'll be remembered by everyone(At least is what they think).
In the end Yuuki dies soon after defeating a boss and fullfiling her dream and the party is disbanded.

The story is sad as hell. This book is somehow more mature than the others because the main point is not the quest in Aincraft but when Yuuki will day(Asuna helps her and uses a robot with a camera to 'take her' to school). Apart from that, it's a kind of interesting book , not as interesting as the SAO saga but , in my opinion, it's better in some aspects that the previous saga about the guns. 

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