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// Posted by :OGSN
// On :mércores, 13 de xullo de 2011
This is a gender bender version of the Durarara ending, Trust me! . It is sung in Japanese but it has english words XD.
As I said before, this is the gender bender version so it's the same as the orginial ED but the voices are higher, more like girls voices XD.
Here it is:
BTW, in the video there's a picture of all the characters in a gender bender version. I have to say that Shizuo is the best modified version so far (as a female, Shizuo is HOT ! XD) , I don't like the rest of the characters(You cand find pictures of all the gender bender versions in devianart or in a quick search in google XD)
Hope you like the song!
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