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Yes I know it was late...we'll be greeting the sun before long ...XDDDD Ok, does anybody knows where the sentence that I have just written appears? As a clue, I'll tell you it's in a song XD
Let's get started:
-Naruto 561-562: Oonoki makes some kind of jutsu that makes the meteor to be lighter so he pushes it away but Madara casts a second meteor....and Oonoki is beaten XD: Fortunately, most of the people are alive under the impact . However, Madara hasn't given up and uses a Mokuton(wood) jutsu so a giant forest tries to attack Naruto & company. Something pretty unexpected happened at this moment: the Kyubi helped Naruto! It seems that he is not dumb and that he knows that Madara would use him so he prefers to be inside Naruto. This chapter ends with a pretty awesome page with a lot of naruto clones using giant rasengan to stop the forest.
After that, chapter 562 starts with Tsunade and the Raikage discussing how to help Naruto and Oonki as they see that they're getting their asses kicked. They finally agree to use the tecnique that the fourth hokage invented (FTGT: flying thunder god technique) to teletransport themselves to the battlefield. In the end, all the Kages show to Madara . This is gonna be good!
-Bleach 470-471: chapter 470 opens with Rukia's battle. She is stucked in some kind of plush but it seems that she can be fast and more or less strong. However, she isn¡t strong enough to defeat Riruka in that state.
Ichigo and Ichida are fighting Ginjo, who is kind of powerful now cause he has all of Ichigo's abilities, like Getsuga Tenshou XD.
In the next chapter, 471, we learn a bit about the past of Xcution members and their motivation to fight. Nothing new XD. In addition, Rukia's battle continues and she is able to harm Riruka but Riruka uses her trump card ...what will happen with Rukia? We will see in the next chapter.
-Enigma 54: sadly, the next chapter is the latest chapter of Enigma. It's a pity cause it was a very good manga but I suppose it wasn't shonen enough to be in the magazine (weekly shonen jump)I'll make a review about it later.
It seems that allt he story was nothing but a plan made by Kirio's father and Sumio's father in order ot find the next enigma and save themselves. There's nothing more to say.....Enigma will end in chapter 56 but that chapter won't be published in the weekly shonen jump
-Bakuman 153-154:chapter 153 was pretty interesting: Ashirogi Muto defeated Nizuma Eiji! This is the first time that the main characters have defeated Eiji so yeah, it was about time XD. It seems that Reversi, the manga that Ashirogi Muto made will be published in other magazine because it was too awesome and they couldn't risk the exist of their other manga.
Chapter 154 is about Ashirogi Muto and their new adventure in the Hissho Jumo. Nevertheless, Hatori is not happy with this cause he wanted to be the editor of Reversi so in the end his chief decides that PCP will go to Hissho and Reversi will go to the shonen jump in order to maje Hatori the editor od the series.
-Beelzebub 130-131: I don't get Jump's readers... I mean, Beelzebub was really down in the ranking this week and I have to say that both chapter 153 and 154 were awesome. Why? Well, in chapter 153 we see how Oga knows that Hilda has been kidnapped and goes to save her alone(with baby beel XD) When I saw that I thought "Yep, that's how you do it". In addition, in chapter 154 Oga starts kicking some asses and prepares himself to fight with all the generals of the bad guys. This is going to be good, I just don't get the low ratings....
-Medaka box 119-120:Kumagawa fights starts in chapter 119 . Both fighters starts a dog fight in order to take each other down . Meanwhile, the psyren girl tries to stop them . However, Kumagawa's enemy is freaking powerful so when he gets serious he kills Kumagawa. I have to admint that I was worried for a moment there but in chapter 120 Kumagawa is brought back to life. How? He used his old ability(all fiction) to avoid his own dead, which was pretty awesome although it was kind of a miracle cause he couldn't use that ability since the time that he exchanged it with a girl.
It seems that Kumagawa is a womanicer XD. I mean, he is a weakling and he always says perverted thing but he is the leader of the third faction of the war between Medakka and Zenkichi and he has an army of girls. Can anybody surpass that? XDDD
-The breaker: New waves 49-50: well... I couldn't find these chapters XD anywhere XD. I suppose it's because of a one month hiatus. I don't mind if they make Shion kick some asses in the next chapter XD
-Fairy Tail 257-258: Lucy is down because of the dead of her father. Chapter 257 is mostly about that, when we discover that Lucy's dad had been sending her leters for seven years. One of the letters had a big amount of money so Lucy was able to pay the rent of seven years.
Something more happens in this chapter, Makarov & Co. beat the hell up of the bad guys who were abusing fairy tail. Like bossess XD
Chapter 258 was very interesting. First of all, something pretty awesome happened: Gildartz is going to be the next master, he was designed by Makarov . In addition to that, Gildartz is hown the bets of the treasures of Faity Tail, which I don't know what is it but Gildartz said it was awesome XD.
Moreover, we discover that there's two more dragon slayers in the city...Awesome! XD
-Good Ending 102-103: let's recap: Usumi was going to Shou's house.....but in the end nothing happend XD Usumi had a pretty good time with Shou's family but nothing really happens until the last page of chapter 102, where Usumi grabs Shou's hand with "lover" intentions XD.
Nothing happend in the end XD, Usumi just go away after a few seconds XD. However, he has doubts in his heart now so he ask Yuki for a walk. In that walk he tells her to make clear her feeling for him and she tells him that it's impossible for them to be together so Usumi goes to his home crying. Nevertheless, Shou was ready to help him XD so the chapter ends with both of them in front of each other.
-Kimi no iru machi 156-157:the plot of these chapters revolves around one person: Eba's father. It seems that he is very strict and Eba has lied to him telling him that Haruto is just a friend. However, Eba's dad discovers Haruto who was hiding in the balcony and tells him to go out. Haruto thinks that everything will be OK the next day but that's not it: Eba's sister tells Haruto that Eba is going to Nagoya cause her father is angry so Haruto goes to Nagoya . Nothing new, Eba leaves Haruto goes after her ..... that's what pretty much happened when Eba left to Tokio.... I want something different XD However, Haruto seems more confidente this time and Eba is in love with him so I think that this is going to be more interesting than before.
-The world god only knows 164-165: chapter 164 was the kind ot thing that you can of expect: Keima wants to bring out a goddesss from Chihiro so he tries to take her to a lot of things and the chapter ends with both of them going to a more "quiet" place. Chapter 165 isn't out yet.
-History's strongest disciple Kenicchi 451-452: Miu is in a kingdom called Tidat and it seems that she is being brainwashed as she hit a girl without control. However, Kenichi and Sakaki(character master) are going to that country to save Miu so a new arc is coming. It seems that it's going to be good XD. Chapter 452 isn't out yet,
-Air Gear 333-334:this saga seems to be the last one of Air Gear but that's not bad: it's being awesome. Ikki's entrance was amazing with all that paper birds. In addition, he is stronger now but he is as impulsive as before so he just broke a window and enter the tower. After that, Sora's battle continues and in the last page o chapter 334 Ikki is in front of Sora , so I suppose the next chapter will be a battle between those two. Damn, this is my favourite manga at the moment XD
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