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// Posted by :OGSN
// On :venres, 29 de agosto de 2014
Hi there folks! Today I bring you a book review of a popular book trilogy that has been pretty famous recently due to a film adaptation about it. I'm not going to make a summary of the books(I'll paste here short summaries without spoilers of each book from wikipedia) because you can read those anywhere. Instead , I will talk from my point of view about how good the books were or what things I disliked.
The part in italic will contain the summary written in the back of the books. After each summary a brief opinion will be stated, so beware of spoilers in that part.
Let us begin with the summary of "The maze runner"
Sixteen year old Thomas wakes up with no memory in the middle of a maze and realizes he must work with the community in which he finds himslef if he is to escape.
Okay, to begin with this book, I have to say that it has a really slow start. For about a hundred of pages Thomas does pretty much nothing: running around, asking questions but not getting answers...You could probably read the first couple of chapters , then jump a hundred pages forward and you'd still understand most stuff.
On another note, the book has an interesting premise but a not so good development. Teen girls/boys may probably love the good but to be honest it's not really good. The characters are dull and plain and the supposed main character, Thomas, does have zero charisma. Newt and Minho, secondary characters, are way more interesting: at least they do stuff.Even, Chuck, who dies while saving Thomas , is more interesting. The kid was really annoying sometimes but at least he was brave, even if his death was pretty much pointless for the future, as stated in the following books.
Another problem with this book is the way the author wants to solve a question asked earlier in the book: there's not an explation. The boys come up with ideas randomly when author thinks it's a good time to do so and if they can't they pretty much cheat(As seen when Thomas goes through the "Changing").
The books has an open ending that, if you were reading paying at least a bit of attention, you could see from miles away: he first book was just the first trial, there will be others.
As a conclusion, I didn't like the book a lot: it was slow paced, plain and boring in some parts.
Now let's go with The Scorch trials
After surviving horrific conditions in the Maze, Thomas is entrapped , along with nineteen other boys, in a scientific experiement designed to observe their responsesand gather data believed to be essential for the survival of the human race.
I have to say something about this book: after reading the first one, I didn't expect anything good about this one but it wasn't as bad as I had imagined.
Brenda and Jorge are cool characters although it was pretty obvious that they were on WICKED side(even though they were the good guys later on). Moreover, Thomas finally does something! Although that bravery doesn't last long and he ends up confined(I mean, what's up with the guy? Counting the number of times he almost died or ended confined in some place due to a kidnapping, shouldn't he be dead already?)
A good point about this book(Yay, there's good stuff to!) is that we finally see a good turn with the fact that Newt is not inmune to the Flare. That was interesting.However, there's a new character called Aris that is pretty much the most useless character of the trilogy. The guy only talks , roughly, a book page of sentences in the whole book and altough is supposed to be important it falls into oblivion during much of the plot until suddenly it reappears with...Teresa. Yes, the girl didn't die or anything, I haven't talked about her till now because...she doesn't appear! She is supposed to be controlled by WICKED and Thomas develops a grudge against her in this book.
Ah, and like in the first book, really long prologue(I mean, why did the whole "guards hanging from the ceiling" event happen?)
And finally let's talk about The Death Cure
As the third Trial draws close, Thomas and some of his cohorts manage to escape from WICKED , their memories having been restored, only to face new dangers as WICKED claims to be trying to protect the human race from the deadly flare virus.
This is the ending of the trilogy. Most questions had already been answered one way or another so his book was supposed to explain the remaining details. The thing is that it takes some things for granted about the whole Flare thing that didn't really explain previously and states some questions that you hope will find an answer for in the book but you don't.
Thomas is supposed to be assasin in this book because he kills some people , but the guy didn't have the guts to kill Newt whe he was past gone(he did it by accident) . He is a really lame main character, and in this book it's even more clear as he is kidnapped several times because he is stupid enough to stay put when a bounty hunter enters the place where is (Even though his pals were already out of the place).
Teresa dies in a way that the author tries to make dramatic and heroic but to me it looks as if the author was thinking "well, Thomas is paired with Brenda now and Teresa didn't really do anything worthy in this book, so I'm gonna kill her to avoid a threesome". Not good man, not good.
The book has a supposed happy ending where the remaining alive characters live in a place where there's still nature. I love how they just feel oblivious about how is that even possible, the fact that that could be another trial because the chiefwoman from wicked put them there of the fact that Brenda looks as if she knew something. But whatever, the thing is that the book has a happy ending.
There's a prequel that tells the story of the beginning of the Flare and stuff like that but I'm not going to read it. Enough of this saga to me.
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- Book Review: The Maze Runner trilogy(The maze runner, The scorch trials, The death cure)
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