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// Posted by :OGSN
// On :venres, 27 de maio de 2011

Hi! In this section, I'll recommend good AMVs that I've seen, maybe cause I like the music , maybe cause I like how the video is done or maybe because I like the anime.
BTW, AMV means Anime Music Video.
Let's start with an AMV about an anime called Kenichi, the strongest disciple of the history . To be honest, I haven't finished the anime but I read the manga version weekly and it is awesome .
The story it's pretty simple: weak guy trains his body and learn matial arts in order to become stronger than anyone and to be able to go out with the sexy girl. It has a lot of ecchiness in the manga and the fights are freaking awesome.
Now, the AMV, from the youtube user ruzarcov2 . More info in youtube.
Kenichi AMV - [Fighting]
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