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// Posted by :OGSN
// On :luns, 28 de novembro de 2011
I'll add a couple of mangas today. One of them is Nisekoi, which is being published in ths slot that Enigma left and the other one is kagami no kuni no harisugawa. Both of therm are being published int the Weekly shonen Jump (Shueisha).
I'll also add Kurogane.
-Kurogane: this manga is about kendo(you know, that sport that they practice in Japan where they have wooden helmets and they use wooden swords to fight, speaking roughly). its main character is very weak but he has amazing eyes so he can see all of the attacks .However, this isn't very useful cause he is able to see the attacks but he isn't fast enough to evite them.
After an encounter with a phantom ,which is the inheritor of the Sakura one sword style, he decides to learn that style. He decides to enter the kendo club and nowadays they are focusing in his first "real" battle in the manga.
It's not awesome but it has a nice character design and the plot is not as bad as you could think although is kind of predictable.
-Kagami no kuni no harisugawa: this manga is more or less new, its first edition was on June, 11th.
The manga is about a story that involves several people and a mirror. It's a story about a guy and a girl who go to the same highschool. The girl find a small mirror in a shop and decides to buy it. Afterwards, the boy and the girl clash and the boy ends up being a prisioner in the insides of the mirror.
Later on the story(about 3 or 4 chapters ago to be exact) Harisugawa finds out that there's a girl who is in love with him who isn't his crush, which is a problem cause it seems that now Harisugawa will have to make both girls to fall in love with him...kind of difficult XD.
-Nise koi: I was kind of curious about this cause this manga is the substitute of Enigma.
The story is about two highschool students, a boy and a girl who end up being a couple despite their oppostion to it cause it will end the "war" between their families.
It's not bad but I 'm not really into it. At least for now.
-Naruto 563-564: the thing is that there's two main battles in the "Narutoverse" at the moment: All the 5 kages versus Uchiha Madara and Naruto and Bee vs Tobi.
Madara Uchiha is like "invincible" right now XD so even after taking a lot of hits and with all the kages working together he was like "So what? Did you expect me to bow or something? " . Something pretty awesome was in this chapter: FTG or FGT(I don't remember exactly) which is a technique that allows the user to telleport him or herself to a certain location(it seems that 3 -4 people are needed in order to perform the techique and that it's kind of difficult to withstand the damage taken from the teleportation: Minato was able to do it alone and whithout taking any damage, I hope that Naruto will learn that technique, something that will be pretty awesome.
-Bleach 472-474: the battle between the captains and the fullbring users finally ended and Rukia was defeated but she was alive. The fact is that Ichigo and his "friend" Ginjo are fighting and it seems that Ichigo is not powerful enough to defeat him. Moreover, Ginjo says something pretty interesting: it seems that the shinigami badge that Ukitake gave to Ichigo is a tool to follow all of Ichigo's movements and to supress his reiatsu. This could be a lie but Ichig's dad and Urahara confirmed(more or less) this information .....Will we see a badass Ichigo fighting the shinigami like in the second or third saga of the anime? I don't know, what I know for sure is that Ichigo has regained his reiatsu in a hundred per cent cause he is able to use bankai(it seems like it XD).
-Bakuman 155-157: Mashiro found the diary of his uncle. It seems that their stories are similar : both of them had a woman they love and Mashir's uncle was planing to marry her but he coudn't do it in the end. However, this fact gives Mashiro courage and he decides to work even harder to marry his girl.
After that, Mashiro and company have to work a lot in order to finish both manuscripts(PCP and Reversi). They finish both of them with the help of a new assistant .Later , Reversi is starting to beat Zombie Gun cause Reversi is first for three consecutive weeks. However, Zombie-Gun goes first and Mashiro realizes that Reversi has a great handicap cause they can't change the main characters.
-Beelzebub 132-134: this manga is in a good moment right now but it doesn't get the result it should get. Whatever, Oga is a badass and he was able to defeat one of the pillars with one hit . It seems that Hilda is being brainwashed so Oga is going to save her. Something pretty awesome happened: Oga's enemy/friend Toujou(LOL). It was a bit too random but it was a very funny encounter. Toujou tells Oga that there's a shortcut to go to Hilda's location so Toujou starts to fight the bad guys. Let's remember that Tojou is "just" human but it seems that he is freaking strong now XD.
After that, Oga find a little demon who is supposed to be a Pillar...but Oga shout at her and....she is defeated XDDDD. However, there's another Pillar girl who uses her feminity to confuse Oga (it seems that Oga can't hit a woman if she has "that" face, I'm sure you know what I mean XD). The fact is that Kunieda Aoi appears to save the day and starts to fight an old enemy of her(The pillar girl who swore revenge, Agiel).Oga leaves and Aoi starts to fight Agiel. Nevertheless, two pillar heads(they are like "bosses" of the pillars) appear and crush Aoi: this could seem to be the end for her but that wasn't the case cause Agiel, the pillar, decided to help Aoi. Why? I don't know, I was really surprised with it XD.
-Medaka Box 121-124: a lot of things have happened in these five chapter, I'll try to summarize. First, the battle beetween Kumagawa Misogi and the other guy finishes. It seems that Kumagawa have his "all fiction" back so he is mostly invincible now and his enemy is the brother of one of the girls who are non-equals called Koi. Apart from that, Zenkichi started his meeting with Anshin and the others members of his faction: they are quite a lot of them XD. It seems that Zenkichi will be able to have any skill. It seems that he wants something pretty odd(they don't reveal it).
Medaka has a fight with that guy who argued with Zenkichi about Manga and she almost got defeated but in the end she won. After that Zenkichi and the girl who is in love with him(Emukae) enter the dream realm and prepare to fight an early version of Anshin.
-The breaker new waves: I need more! XD This series is too awesome to have just one chapter after such a long time.However, it was a nice chapter although nothing really unexpected happened: Shion's ally(the girl who helped him with his training) tells the head of the family that Jinnie is in danger and he answer her telling htat she is no longer a part from his family.
In another Location Jinnie is in a real pinch as she is suffocating herself. However, Shion appears...and that's the end of this chapter. Damn, this mangaka is a master of this thing when you have a great cliffhanger at the end and you want the reader to feel really excited about reading the next chapter.
-Fairy Tail 259-261: it seems that Natsu & company have to train a lot to be able to fight other mages cause the other mages have been training for seven years. However, Natsu is kind of strong now: he is able to use lighting and fire at the same time .
There was a big revelation in these chapters: we met the Edora's version of the dragon who trained Wendy and she gave her some papers to learn techniques.
The next big arc is going to be the one where they will fight in a big tournament with all the other mages : they are training in the beach XD.
Last chapter(261) was pretty boring but the next arc can be very interesting, at least I hope so XD.
-Good Ending 104-106: Shou and Usumi are together. That's basically the most import part of all those chapters XD. Apart from jokes, it was about time XD, I mean, if you remember the main purpose of Usumi back in chapter 1 .... it was to make Shou to fall in love him. Challenge Completed! However, nobody knows about that fact but Oonoda, the girl from Usumi's work, who saw them while they were holding hands with each other. Oonoda is very depressed about this fact(come on girl, you should search for another type XD) and it seems that she is going to be raped. Neveretheless, this is a shonen manga and I suppose that they can't show things like that....or maybe they can show it XD. Let's wait till next week to see it XD.
-Kimi no Iru Machi 158-160: nothing really interesting happened until the end of chapter 160...XD. This is a bit boring , I mean, chapters 158-159 were basically about Haruto searching for Eba with the help of his neighbour. Nothing really happend afer the end of chapter 160 when Eba appears and says to Haruto that she has "escaped" from his house and that she wants to be with Haruto. Maybe they will elope or something.
-The world god only knows:Keima was wrong and the girl he as about to kiss is not a goddess......This is a big strike to Keima who pretends not to care but he is kind of depressed right now. Nothing really important happened in these chapters, mostly a little story of Keima being depressed and Tenri trying to cheering him up. Let's hope for more interesting thing in the next chapters
-History's strongest disciple Kenichi:Kenichi and his master Sakaki(the one who is a master in karate) go to the country where Miu is called Tidat. This country is supposed to be somewhere near Tailand and it seems that people will not be willing to tell them where Miu is in an esasy way. That's way Sakaki starts kicking some asses until a girl appears. That little girl ask Kenichi and Sakaki to follow her and they arrive to a place where they met the empress of Tidat who is the sister of th guy who kidnapped Miu.That guy is the king of Tidat and he has some kind of dictatorship government over the country although most of the people respect him and are willing to sacrifice their lives for him
-Air Gear:Air Gear is cool but lately is being kind of.....too big XD, I mean, they are wearing air trecks which are nothing more that modified skates after all (LOL). The fact is that Ikki and Sora are going to start an epic battle of five stages(or so XD) which will decide the future of the world. Meh, they tried to give Sora a good reason to be a villain (saving the losers or something like that) but I didn't really get it. Whatever, the next battle is going to be good! :)
I will decide, between all the mangas in this review, which was the best every week(or two weeks, or three......XD)
Best Manga of the week: Naruto
Later on the story(about 3 or 4 chapters ago to be exact) Harisugawa finds out that there's a girl who is in love with him who isn't his crush, which is a problem cause it seems that now Harisugawa will have to make both girls to fall in love with him...kind of difficult XD.
-Nise koi: I was kind of curious about this cause this manga is the substitute of Enigma.
The story is about two highschool students, a boy and a girl who end up being a couple despite their oppostion to it cause it will end the "war" between their families.
It's not bad but I 'm not really into it. At least for now.
-Naruto 563-564: the thing is that there's two main battles in the "Narutoverse" at the moment: All the 5 kages versus Uchiha Madara and Naruto and Bee vs Tobi.
Madara Uchiha is like "invincible" right now XD so even after taking a lot of hits and with all the kages working together he was like "So what? Did you expect me to bow or something? " . Something pretty awesome was in this chapter: FTG or FGT(I don't remember exactly) which is a technique that allows the user to telleport him or herself to a certain location(it seems that 3 -4 people are needed in order to perform the techique and that it's kind of difficult to withstand the damage taken from the teleportation: Minato was able to do it alone and whithout taking any damage, I hope that Naruto will learn that technique, something that will be pretty awesome.
-Bleach 472-474: the battle between the captains and the fullbring users finally ended and Rukia was defeated but she was alive. The fact is that Ichigo and his "friend" Ginjo are fighting and it seems that Ichigo is not powerful enough to defeat him. Moreover, Ginjo says something pretty interesting: it seems that the shinigami badge that Ukitake gave to Ichigo is a tool to follow all of Ichigo's movements and to supress his reiatsu. This could be a lie but Ichig's dad and Urahara confirmed(more or less) this information .....Will we see a badass Ichigo fighting the shinigami like in the second or third saga of the anime? I don't know, what I know for sure is that Ichigo has regained his reiatsu in a hundred per cent cause he is able to use bankai(it seems like it XD).
-Bakuman 155-157: Mashiro found the diary of his uncle. It seems that their stories are similar : both of them had a woman they love and Mashir's uncle was planing to marry her but he coudn't do it in the end. However, this fact gives Mashiro courage and he decides to work even harder to marry his girl.
After that, Mashiro and company have to work a lot in order to finish both manuscripts(PCP and Reversi). They finish both of them with the help of a new assistant .Later , Reversi is starting to beat Zombie Gun cause Reversi is first for three consecutive weeks. However, Zombie-Gun goes first and Mashiro realizes that Reversi has a great handicap cause they can't change the main characters.
-Beelzebub 132-134: this manga is in a good moment right now but it doesn't get the result it should get. Whatever, Oga is a badass and he was able to defeat one of the pillars with one hit . It seems that Hilda is being brainwashed so Oga is going to save her. Something pretty awesome happened: Oga's enemy/friend Toujou(LOL). It was a bit too random but it was a very funny encounter. Toujou tells Oga that there's a shortcut to go to Hilda's location so Toujou starts to fight the bad guys. Let's remember that Tojou is "just" human but it seems that he is freaking strong now XD.
After that, Oga find a little demon who is supposed to be a Pillar...but Oga shout at her and....she is defeated XDDDD. However, there's another Pillar girl who uses her feminity to confuse Oga (it seems that Oga can't hit a woman if she has "that" face, I'm sure you know what I mean XD). The fact is that Kunieda Aoi appears to save the day and starts to fight an old enemy of her(The pillar girl who swore revenge, Agiel).Oga leaves and Aoi starts to fight Agiel. Nevertheless, two pillar heads(they are like "bosses" of the pillars) appear and crush Aoi: this could seem to be the end for her but that wasn't the case cause Agiel, the pillar, decided to help Aoi. Why? I don't know, I was really surprised with it XD.
-Medaka Box 121-124: a lot of things have happened in these five chapter, I'll try to summarize. First, the battle beetween Kumagawa Misogi and the other guy finishes. It seems that Kumagawa have his "all fiction" back so he is mostly invincible now and his enemy is the brother of one of the girls who are non-equals called Koi. Apart from that, Zenkichi started his meeting with Anshin and the others members of his faction: they are quite a lot of them XD. It seems that Zenkichi will be able to have any skill. It seems that he wants something pretty odd(they don't reveal it).
Medaka has a fight with that guy who argued with Zenkichi about Manga and she almost got defeated but in the end she won. After that Zenkichi and the girl who is in love with him(Emukae) enter the dream realm and prepare to fight an early version of Anshin.
-The breaker new waves: I need more! XD This series is too awesome to have just one chapter after such a long time.However, it was a nice chapter although nothing really unexpected happened: Shion's ally(the girl who helped him with his training) tells the head of the family that Jinnie is in danger and he answer her telling htat she is no longer a part from his family.
In another Location Jinnie is in a real pinch as she is suffocating herself. However, Shion appears...and that's the end of this chapter. Damn, this mangaka is a master of this thing when you have a great cliffhanger at the end and you want the reader to feel really excited about reading the next chapter.
-Fairy Tail 259-261: it seems that Natsu & company have to train a lot to be able to fight other mages cause the other mages have been training for seven years. However, Natsu is kind of strong now: he is able to use lighting and fire at the same time .
There was a big revelation in these chapters: we met the Edora's version of the dragon who trained Wendy and she gave her some papers to learn techniques.
The next big arc is going to be the one where they will fight in a big tournament with all the other mages : they are training in the beach XD.
Last chapter(261) was pretty boring but the next arc can be very interesting, at least I hope so XD.
-Good Ending 104-106: Shou and Usumi are together. That's basically the most import part of all those chapters XD. Apart from jokes, it was about time XD, I mean, if you remember the main purpose of Usumi back in chapter 1 .... it was to make Shou to fall in love him. Challenge Completed! However, nobody knows about that fact but Oonoda, the girl from Usumi's work, who saw them while they were holding hands with each other. Oonoda is very depressed about this fact(come on girl, you should search for another type XD) and it seems that she is going to be raped. Neveretheless, this is a shonen manga and I suppose that they can't show things like that....or maybe they can show it XD. Let's wait till next week to see it XD.
-Kimi no Iru Machi 158-160: nothing really interesting happened until the end of chapter 160...XD. This is a bit boring , I mean, chapters 158-159 were basically about Haruto searching for Eba with the help of his neighbour. Nothing really happend afer the end of chapter 160 when Eba appears and says to Haruto that she has "escaped" from his house and that she wants to be with Haruto. Maybe they will elope or something.
-The world god only knows:Keima was wrong and the girl he as about to kiss is not a goddess......This is a big strike to Keima who pretends not to care but he is kind of depressed right now. Nothing really important happened in these chapters, mostly a little story of Keima being depressed and Tenri trying to cheering him up. Let's hope for more interesting thing in the next chapters
-History's strongest disciple Kenichi:Kenichi and his master Sakaki(the one who is a master in karate) go to the country where Miu is called Tidat. This country is supposed to be somewhere near Tailand and it seems that people will not be willing to tell them where Miu is in an esasy way. That's way Sakaki starts kicking some asses until a girl appears. That little girl ask Kenichi and Sakaki to follow her and they arrive to a place where they met the empress of Tidat who is the sister of th guy who kidnapped Miu.That guy is the king of Tidat and he has some kind of dictatorship government over the country although most of the people respect him and are willing to sacrifice their lives for him
-Air Gear:Air Gear is cool but lately is being kind of.....too big XD, I mean, they are wearing air trecks which are nothing more that modified skates after all (LOL). The fact is that Ikki and Sora are going to start an epic battle of five stages(or so XD) which will decide the future of the world. Meh, they tried to give Sora a good reason to be a villain (saving the losers or something like that) but I didn't really get it. Whatever, the next battle is going to be good! :)
I will decide, between all the mangas in this review, which was the best every week(or two weeks, or three......XD)
Best Manga of the week: Naruto
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