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-Naruto(559-560): something amazing is happening in Naruto at the moment... Uchiha Madara! That's the most important part of chapter 559: we discover that Uchiha Madara was in one of the coffins. So....who the hell is obito? I don't know anymore XD. The fact is that Uchiha Madara starts to fight Naruto and the o hters. Madara is a badass and is VERY powerful, so powerful that he has Mangekyo Sharingan and Rinnengan at the same time! Awesome! In addition, he was able to defeat a bunch of ninjas without a lot of effort and now he is ready to launch a giant meteor atack....Naruto, show me how to defeat one of the greatest ninjas of all time.
-Bleach(468-469): both of the chapters are about Bykuya's battle with Tsukishima. It seems that Tsukishima is kind of powerful and he was able to cut Byakuya, so now Tsukishima have the experience of fighting Byakuya thousands of times and is almost invincible . Bleach got better, but it isn't as good at before yet.
-Enigma(52-53): I'm not really sure about Enigma's future, cause the manga is always in the bottom of the ranking....Anyway, chapter 52 was pretty interesting, since we finally know about the others. Sumio's friends are in the tummy of Cannibal . However, they've managed to stop him from eating them ,so they are now investigating how to get out from there. Nice chapter.
Chapter 53 is the end of the current arc, they finally defeat Cannibal! It seems that he wasn't a really bad guy, just someone who lost something very precious to him. Read the chapter to know how the story was exactly, but I think we will get a few more things about it in the next chapter.
-Bakuman(151-152): things have gotten pretty interesting. We start a new arc in which the main characters(Ashirogi Muto) decide to start a battle with Nishima Eiji in order to be the best mangaka of the magazine, so they prepare a one-shot.As expected, both one-shots are published and the battle starts. Nizuma gets 692 votes, a record,but Mashiro thinks that they still have a posibility to win...We'll see about that next week
Hiramaru appears for a bit to make a funny joke XD, that guy is always funny.
-Beelzebub(128-129): first of all, the front page of chapter 128 was EPIC, I mean, baby beel is like a mini boss XD Ok, after this little introduction , let's talk about chapter 128. Oga beats Kunieda(as expected) and then the new master starts talking about her young days with Zen Saotome, making them sound like Aoi and Oga. In another place, at the same time, some wet nurses appear and offer themselves to help Furuichi and the others with their training.
Chapter 129 was way interesting. We are shown about the situation of Hilda and another wet nurse(I don't remember her name). The bad people is using the other wet nurse to teletransport people . She does it cause they told her that if she did so she would be able to see her beloved master En. It ends up being a lie, so Hilda change herself for the other wet nurse and kick some asses XD
-Medaka Box(117-118): it seems that we are starting a new arc, one when Zenkichi and Medaka will finally collide. In chapter 117, Zenkichi goes to see Medaka . Medaka just ....kick his ass in a glympse XD. After that, Zenkichi ends up in a bed(again XDD) and he encounters a guy who is supposed to be a Minus, as it's explained by the boss of the minus guys. The new guy seems to be....strange, the least XD and he tries to fight Zenkichi because of a stupuid thing(which is better Jump Square or Shonen Jump?)Kumagawa also appears in this chapter and he talks with the girl who has a "psyren voice" ability . He tries to convince her about making a new faction apart from Zenkichi and Medaka to stop the fight. However, an old enemy was listening and he intends to evite that. Next chapter is going to be about the fight between Kumagawa and that guy
-The breaker: new waves(47-48): this is an awesome Manhwa....but it's just too freaking slow sometimes, I mean, Jinni and the gothic lolita girl have been fighting for a while now and their fight is pretty awesome and all(a cats fight is always awesome XD) but I want Shion to appear and kick some asses. It seems that my expectatives will be fullfilled soon cause in the last chapter we see Shion in a car saying that he is going to save Jinnie. Great!
-Fairy Tail(255-256): I didn't like chapter 255. Ok, the boys are back and that's awesome(and the girls, of course XD) but .....I just don't get the point of the timeskip. I can't imagine the reason for a big change in the series that only last one chapter. I know that they are going to have some action in the future but I don't like this kind of fast conclusion to the matter o bringing them back.
BTW, that girl was Mavis, as people said in the internet. Will we see her again? I hope so XD , but I'm not really sure about it.
Some changes has happened in the guild, some people are married(both pistol users), people are older,.....but the most important thing occurs in chapter 256. Lucy decides that it's time to see her dad, only to see..that he has died ine month ago. That was pretty unexpected, I admit it, but I suppose it's time to show us a bit more about Lucy's history already.
-Good Ending(100-101): now that the relationship between the two main characters is over, Seiji has to move fordward and Shou-senpai is ready to rumble XD. Both of the chapters are about the situation between them, leaving the impression that they may end up together(let's remember that that was the original purpouse of Seiji). It seems that something will happen in the next chapter since Seiji is going to Shou-senpai house. Pretty interesting.
-Kimi no iru machi(154-155): this manga is kind of....plane. It's slice of life again and again and that's just too damn boring, I want some kind of developement! Eba is libing in Tokio at the moment but she hasn't told her parents about Haruto(bitch! XD). However, it seems that an encounter between Haruto and Eba's dad was predestinated cause Haruto ends up meeting Eba's dad in Eba's house.
-The world god only knows(162-163): Keima is kind of sure about something: the goddess seems to be Chihiro.However, he is not totally sure so he tries to make Ayumi jealous in order to clear his doubts, but he just don't get anything. Both of chapters wer kind of a preview of the main event wich is going to happen in chapter 164
-History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi(449-450):Miu isn't dead(such a surprise! XDDDDD) Ok, it seems that her plane crashed and she is kidnapped by a guy who is a disciple off the guy who tried to kill Kenichi. It seems that she has lost her memory and she is being brainwashing so Kenichi and the others are going to save her . Kenichi has gotten quite interesting lately.
-Air Gear(331-332):that was legen....wait for it...dary! Kilik vs Sora.... Kilik seems to be crusking Sora afhter the activation of his regalia but when Kilik is going to finish Sora , Sora tells him that he is not gonna lose. We se the reason of this in chapter 332. It seems that every regalia is a part of a big regalia. There's a total of 28 regalias , Sora had 21 and has been through hell to get the other nine. Every regalia has a code, so Sora enters all the codes and activate some kind of mega atack, destroying his eyes and ears in the process. Sleeping forest adopt the defense position...and it will continue in the next chapter.
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